Il Museo dell’Omeopatia é da oggi membro della European Association of Museums of the History of Medical Sciences (EAMHMS), di cui fanno parte prestigiose istituzioni europee, tra le quali il Museo di Storia della Medicina dell’Università di Roma “La Sapienza”. Il prossimo Convegno internazionale della EAMHMS si terrà a Barcellona nel 2018.
The European Association of Museums of the History of Medical Sciences, in short EAMHMS, is an international organization (reaching beyond Europe) connecting individuals and institutions who and which are professionally active or profoundly interested in all aspects of medical history collections and museums. Its fundamental goals are to share information and expertise, to fuel a creative exchange of experience and knowledge, and generate ideas to enable the development of joint projects in this field. With its networking and shared activities, EAMHMS strives to contribute substantially to shaping and furthering material culture in medical history.