Francesco Eugenio Negro attended the European Congress for Homeopathy in Vienna.
Homeopathy as a therapy of choice in pre-antibiotic era and war emergencies.
Francesco Eugenio Negro, MD
President of Fondazione Negro for Homeopathy
Rome, Italy
Homeopathy was successfully used during war times (American Civil War, WWI, WWII) and health emergencies in the last two centuries (6 epidemics of cholera during the XIX century), before “antibiotics era”. This is an undeniable truth that we, as homeopaths, have to rediscover and hand down to our successors. Homeopathy could be fully understood and legitimized if we would just start from its “historicity”. Most of this official documentation can be consulted at the Museum of the History of Homeopathy-Italian Archives (Rome, Piazza Navona 49).
Negro graduated as medical doctor at the University “La Sapienza” in Rome. From 1970 to 1973 he received a medical diploma at “Homeopathie de France” in Paris and specialized in endocrinology at the University “La Sapienza” in Rome. He also received a medical diploma at “Faculty of Homeopathy” in London. From 1976 to 86 he was lecturing Professor at the University of L’Aquila. Negro is author of many books, essays, articles, interviews on h omeopathy and president of “Fondazione Negro for Homeopathy” in Rome.